Get safely to the other side of a bankruptcy filing with the legal assistance you need
Don't lose your home to creditors. Talk to us about your financial problems and explore options that are available to you to save your home. We have helped people with their financial problems and achieved successful outcomes
Contrary to popular belief, there are multiple ways to file for bankruptcy, depending on your situation, assets, and preferences. When you trust the Law Office Of Gilda O. Karpouzian, you can rest easy knowing you’ll be getting the best advice for your unique situation. Get the help you need for both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings with the guidance you trust and need. With the compassionate services you need to get back on your feet, you can count on the best service possible. Take charge of your financial future today and get your life back on track!
Sometimes, financial devastation is out of your control and a situation spirals to a point that it’s hard to recover. No matter what caused your financial circumstances, the best way to recover is with the legal action you need. Regardless of what solution is best for you, you can trust that you’ll get the dependable, compassionate service with the promise that all financial information will remain respected and confidential. Set up your free initial consultation today and see how you can get the help you need.
Sort out your finances with the help you need today!